To SIGEP einai ena simantiko diethnes emporiko panigyri afieromeno sto Food&Beverage, to opoio diexagetai kathe chrono sto Rimini kai proselkyei episkeptes apo olo ton kosmo.

Fetos, apo 20 eos 24 Ianouariou stin Ekthesi tou Rimini, boreite na mas vreite sto Periptero B1/002.

Tha einai megalē mas chara na sas synantisoume mesa sto periptero mas.

Anypomonoume na sas doume!

SIGEP 2020 is coming!

SIGEP in Rimini is a worldwide known event, regarded as the most important in the food sector.

From 18 to 22 January at Fiera di Rimini you will find us at Pavilion D2 Stand 067.

We can’t wait to show you all the latest XLVI creations!

See you there!


Sono arrivati i nuovi fornelli elettrici per Moka targati XLVI!

Li abbiamo creati in due versioni:

  • 2 fuochi:
  • 4 fuochi:

Questi fornelli sono controllati da un comodo timer che spegne automaticamente il dispositivo evitando sprechi.

Sono dotati di coni anti-ribaltamento e anti-ustione, per gestire ogni operazione in condizioni di assoluta sicurezza.

Travel with style!

The brand new Leather Travel bag XLVI is available now in our shop:

100% made in Italy

100% real leatherTravel bag pelle XLVI

Scopri i nuovi Macinini XLVI, disponibili in due differenti colorazioni:

  • Struttura portante in lamiera d’acciaio, verniciata
  • Gruppo macina in acciaio temprato o rivestito in titanio
  • Tramoggia in plastica adatta al contatto con prodotti alimentari
  • Beccuccio erogazione caffè direttamente sul portafiltro
  • Impianto elettrico conforme alla direttiva 2006/95 / CEE
  • Centralina elettronica per caffè
  • Ventola di raffreddamento serie T14 – 75650
  • Raffreddamento
  • Disponibile in bianco e nero

Macinino XLVI


With 55 VOLANTE we want to provide the barista with as many tools as possible to allow him to customize and control the work.

Independent coffee groups (saturated) allow the setting of different temperatures. Independent steam boilers allow the setting of different pressures.

Temperature probe and timer on the steam wand give full control to the barista over the milk transformation.

We made it easy with 55 VOLANTE: all the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance can be carried out from the front of the machine, halving the time and making the intervention easier.

The materials we used and their robustness make it a unique machine.

You can find further informations and the technical sheet at the following page:


Vassoio in legno per carica veloce del filtro moka, disponibile da oggi sul nostro shop: Portafiltro moka XLVI

Portafiltro moka XLVI

Pompabassa system is an instrument that allows the supply of filter coffees by means of an adjustable pump that pushes hot water with less pressure than an espresso machine.

Pompabassa extraction is a powerful creative option for the operator who, working on the induction parameters, can create a perfect filter coffee, a great compromise between espresso and filtered coffee, or an alternative espresso with various aromatic facets.

The chance to modify pressure, flow and temperatures let the barista customizes the extraction in the way he likes it more, making it unique and exclusive for its customer. All this, with the ease of use of an express group.

You can find further informations and the technical sheet at the following page:


XLVI Pompabassa

INDIPENDENTE is an instrument that allows the supply of espresso coffee.

The peculiarity of this tool is that all the technology is placed above the bar counter and does not require undercounter machinery.

The chance to modify pressure, flow and temperatures let the barista customizes the extraction in the way
he likes it more, making it unique and exclusive for its customer.

You can find further informations and the technical sheet at the following page:

XLVI Indipendente